Thursday, September 13, 2012


    This assignment, to me was to capture a deep picture that captures the viewers eye. The point of these pictures was to capture a line that starts close and goes all the way to the back of the image.


  1. Max, I think you achieved your goal here by capturing the viewers eye through a series of depth. Because you developed all these images into black and whit, it creates a mysterious mood. I also like how you focused on nature and street art to present depth.

  2. This is some really good work. You definitely understand the concept of depth and leading the viewer from the front to the back of the frame through leading lines. The third from the bottom is my favorite shot.

  3. Great photos Max! I especially like how your collection ranged from a variety of subjects and styles of photographing. It made your photos much more diverse and distinctive, and tied them all together very well!

  4. Really good photos max. i really like how you used some of the previous assignments like rule of thirds in your photos. i also like how you had a very large variety of photos.

  5. good stuff max. the black and white definitely adds a certain feel to this grouping, and works really well with the shadows on the tree and the smooth shadow on the repeating banister, as well as lending a grittier feeling to the fence photo. these are good textbook examples of leading lines and rule of thirds, lines going from just past 2 of the photos corners to the opposite third in the photo

  6. i loved all of your pictures max! my favorite was the first one, i think its the best example of depth ive seen so far because it shows the top of the third hill all the way to the horizon which really gives it sense of distance and depth. Having them in black and white was definately beneficial especially of the last tree one. I wouldnt change a thing and i think you did the assignment perfectly

  7. Awesome pictures, Max! Especially loved the one with the students' folders in the student lounge. You really made an effort to extenuate the size of your frame with such a small space to work with.

  8. Your photos really demonstrate leading lines. I really like your first photo because it really shows depth and how far away the end of that road is.

  9. nice pictures. the leading lines are very obvious and simply.
